Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday, January 15

Achieve amazing things!
Be you!
Create your own life!
Do not give up!
Effort is important!
Friends are awesome!
Go the extra mile!
Honesty is a great quality!
Imagine your life the way you want it!
Keep true friends close!
Leaders are strong!
Make a difference!
Never be negative!
Original thinking!
Powerful thinking!
Quality of "things" are not important!
Respect is a great thing to have!
Strength is is in mind, not just muscles!
Team, there is no "I"!
Unique, don't be someone your not!
Voice, its an amazing thing!
Whole, that is what you can help someone be!
X-ray, help so no one needs one!
You can change the world!
Zing, good thing to have!

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